Fictional Fragments

Anouk Mercier’s works present fictional, collaged landscapes and scenes, composed of fragments of existing 18th Century landscape etchings seamlessly assembled and interwoven with flowing waterfalls. Although clearly influenced by Romanticism, the melancholic worlds created deliberately escape definition: pastel coloured skies and surreal horizons hint at sci-fi, futuristic propositions, whilst purposefully disrupting obvious references to the Past and complacent idylls. These subtle contradictions result in a tension further symbolized by derelict architectural elements, simultaneously alluding to heroic monuments whilst embodying their decay.

Anouk Mercier: Proposal for A Romantic Waterfall (After Piranesi) I (Detail), (54.5 x 76 cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer and Graphite on Paper, (54.5 x 76 cm), 2016

Anouk Mercier: Proposal for A Romantic Waterfall (After Piranesi) I (Detail), (54.5 x 76 cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer and Graphite on Paper, (54.5 x 76 cm), 2016

Anouk Mercier: Route des Lindarets – Une Cascade, (50 x 60 cm), Graphite on Paper, 2015

Anouk Mercier: Route des Lindarets – Une Cascade, (50 x 60 cm), Graphite on Paper, 2015

Anouk Mercier: Evening Sun, Burning Brightly Over the Ruined City, (120 x 70cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 2015

Anouk Mercier: Evening Sun, Burning Brightly Over the Ruined City, (120 x 70cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 2015

Anouk Mercier: The Vessel Stood Docked Outside the Ancient City of Idir (Miniature), (23.8 x 17.5 cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 2016

Anouk Mercier: The Vessel Stood Docked Outside the Ancient City of Idir (Miniature), (23.8 x 17.5 cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 2016

Anouk Mercier: The Gorge, (29 x 37.5cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 2014

Anouk Mercier: The Gorge, (29 x 37.5cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 2014

Anouk Mercier: Adeachus’ Gate, (102 x 39.5 cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 201

Anouk Mercier: Adeachus’ Gate, (102 x 39.5 cm), Airbrushed Inks, Acetone Transfer, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 2014

Anouk Mercier: Warm Glow, Burning Through the Clouds, (38 x 27.5cm), Acetone Transfer, Airbrushed Inks, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 2014

Anouk Mercier: Warm Glow, Burning Through the Clouds, (38 x 27.5cm), Acetone Transfer, Airbrushed Inks, Colour Pencil and Graphite on Paper, 2014



All images copyright and courtesy of Anouk Mercier

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