Club Paradise

Cecelia Chapman is a Massachusetts based artist, born in San Francisco. Her work revolves around video, essay, storytelling, and works on paper and merges the documentary and experimental. Club Paradise: don’t be a tourist…vacation culture, capitalism, consciousness 2017-2019 examines vacation culture photographed and filmed on Cape Cod.


.…don’t be a tourist: vacation culture, capitalism, consciousness.

In collaboration with Jeff Crouch 2017-2019

Skull Island, Cape Cod, Yarmouth, Massachusetts 2018

Beach Game, Hyannis, Massachusetts, 2018.

Bonetree, Hyannis, Massachusetts, 2018. Tree decorated by tourists on Long Beach.

Adventure Park, elephant, Cape Cod, Yarmouth, Massachusetts 2018.

Cape Island Delivery, Hyannis, Massachusetts 2018.

Club Paradise: A fictional resort advertisement suggests memory and nostalgia used by corporate interests in vacation industry produce a workers’ consciousness tolerant of capitalist slavery. Blaine Reininger music. Performer Destany Foley.

Cabo Peligro: Surrounded by a burning world at war with itself, only vacation sites are conflict free. Here we encounter an on-call AI mixologist crafting custom memory enhancing drinks for vacationing workers. Rafael Gonzalez music and photographs. Performer Destany Foley.

Last Exit: The noir 1945 Club Paradise remix, released the same year the US bombed Hiroshima, becomes a romantic vacation comedy that comments on propaganda and perception. Jeff Crouch music.

Trouble in Club Paradise: Death, drugs, drunkeness, disaster… polaroids reimagine notorious vacations from literature, news and film on Lake Wequaquet, Cape Cod. Complete series @UnlikelyStories


Blue Souvenir: memory and wampum, vacation and consciousness, Club Paradise, cyanotype prints,  in print,


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